A Stata Companion to Political Analysis, Third Edtition

by Philip H. Pollock III

The third edition of Philip Pollock’s A Stata Companion to Political Analysis is an excellent guide, whether you are taking your first political-science course or teaching one. The new edition was written using Stata 13, but the datasets can be read with Stata 11 through 13. Like the previous editions, the book maintains the same instructional insights and focus on how to present results effectively.

Each chapter is a tutorial with a rich set of exercises. The book surveys the statistical methods that professional political scientists use; the treatment of research methods deftly incorporates data management, graphical analysis, and statistics into the political-science domain. In this edition, the author emphasizes the use of do-files as a unified way of working with Stata. Also, the author complements the content of the previous edition by illustrating the benefits of the margins and marginsplot commands as tools to use and interpret results after estimation. He also discusses the topic of weighted and unweighted data. The thorough examples show how to complete each task with Stata while giving firsthand experience in political research.

Table of contents



Introduction: Getting Started


1. Introduction to Stata

Information about a Dataset
Information about Variables
Log Files
Printing Results and Copying Output
A CLOSER LOOK: Weighting the gss2012 and nes2012 Datasets
Getting Help

2. Descriptive Statistics

Interpreting Measures of Central Tendency and Variation
Describing Nominal Variables
Describing Ordinal Variables
Describing Interval Variables
Obtaining Bar Charts and Histograms
Obtaining Case-Level Information with sort and list

3. Transforming Variables

Transforming Categorical Variables
Transforming Interval Variables
A CLOSER LOOK: The xtile Command
The label define and label values Commands
Creating an Additive Index
Creating Indicator Variables

4. Making Comparisons

Cross-Tabulation Analysis
Mean Comparison Analysis
A CLOSER LOOK: The format Command
Graphing an Interval-Level Dependent Variable
Graphing a Categorical Dependent Variable
A CLOSER LOOK: The replace Command
Strip Charts: Graphs for Small-n Datasets

5. Making Controlled Comparisons

Cross-Tabulation Analysis with a Control Variable
A CLOSER LOOK: The If Qualifier
Bar Charts for Controlled Comparisons with a Categorical Dependent Variable
Mean Comparison Analysis with a Control Variable
An Example of Interaction
An Example of an Additive Relationship
Bar Charts and Box Plots for Controlled Mean Comparisons

6. Making Inferences about Sample Means

Describing a Sample Mean
Testing the Difference between Two Sample Means
Extending the mean and lincom Commands

7. Chi-square and Measures of Association

Analyzing Ordinal-Level Relationships
Analyzing an Ordinal-Level Relationship with a Control Variable
Analyzing Nominal-Level Relationships
Analyzing Unweighted Data with the tabulate Command

8. Correlation and Linear Regression

The correlate Command and the regress Command
A CLOSER LOOK: R-Squared and Adjusted R-Squared: What's the Difference?
Creating a Scatterplot with a Linear Prediction Line
Multiple Regression
A CLOSER LOOK: Bubble Plots
Correlation and Regression with Weighted Data

9. Dummy Variables and Interaction Effects

Regression with Dummy Variables
A CLOSER LOOK: The test Command
Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression
Graphing Linear Prediction Lines for Interaction Relationships

10. Logistic Regression

The logit Command and the logistic Command
Logistic Regression with Multiple Independent Variables
A CLOSER LOOK: The estimates Command and the lrtest Command
Working with Predicted Probabilities
The margins Command with the atmeans Option
The margins Command with the over Option
11. Doing Your Own Political Analysis
Five Doable Ideas
Political Knowledge
Economic Performance and Election Outcomes
State Courts and Criminal Procedure
Electoral Turnout in Comparative Perspective
Inputting Data
Stata Formatted Datasets
Microsoft Excel Datasets
Writing It Up
The Research Question
Previous Research
Data, Hypotheses, and Analysis
Conclusions and Implications

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