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Product Description

MuPAD Pro 2.5 is a full-fledged computer algebra system with a rich set of features and extensive mathematical capabilites. A MuPAD "kernel" is one of the two available computational engines built into Version 4 of Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Notebook.

With technology originally developed at the University of Paderborn in Germany and well respected throughout Europe, MuPAD Pro is intended for an extremely broad range of users. Its domains and categories are similar to object-oriented classes that allow overriding and overloading methods, and operators, inheritance, and generic algorithms. The MuPAD language has a Pascal-like syntax and allows imperative, functional, and object-oriented programming. A comfortable notebook interface includes a graphics tool for visualization, an integrated source-level debugger, a profiler, and hypertext help.

The latest version of MuPAD Pro is version 2.5, which features high-quality 3-D graphics, HTML export, increased computational capability, and very fast numerical computations with Scilab.

Use MuPAD Pro to develop real-world solutions and applications.

  • Use convenient keyboard and mouse commands to solve numeric and symbolic equations.
  • Understand implicit assumptions often made by other computer algebra systems.
  • Visually depict complicated functions in two and three dimensions.
  • Write programs to solve complex problems using a familiar, high-level language.
  • Debug your programs at the source code level, for speed and convenience.
  • Save time by incorporating MuPAD programs written elsewhere.

MuPAD Pro 2.5 is a general-purpose computer algebra system for symbolic and numeric computation. It was designed as a tool for handling gigabytes of data efficiently.

MuPAD is structured around a kernel implemented in C and C++. The kernel consists of five elements:

  • The arithmetic, which handles numbers of arbitrary lengths.
  • The parser, which reads and checks the user's input.
  • The evaluator, which evaluates and simplifies input data.
  • The memory allocation management unit, or MAMMUT, which handles all system data and provides the interface between the kernel and the hardware. The MAMMUT is platform-dependent.
  • The built-in functions, which are frequently-used functions for manipulating arithmetical expressions or polynomials. These user-accessible functions are implemented in the kernel for speed and efficiency.

The kernel's libraries contain the mathematical expertise of the MuPAD kernel. The libraries are written in a high-level MuPAD programming language and are platform-independent. Dynamic modules are similar to library packages. The modules are compiled machine code functions written in C/C++, the just like the built-in functions of the kernel.

The system also offers data types (graphical primitives such as points and polygons) and 2D and 3D plotting functions that work with the VCam graphics tool. With VCam, the perspective, scale, axes, colors, and other elements of plots can be defined. Plots can be manipulated interactively and translated into MuPAD input.

Like the MAMMUT, the graphical user interface is platform-dependent. The help tool for the system is organized as a hypertext system and comprises complete system documentation, including information about the MuPAD language and libraries.

Principal Characteristics

  • Notebook interface
  • Symbolic computation and expression manipulation
  • Multiprecision arithmetic
  • Interactive 2D and 3D graphics tool
  • Export to HTML
  • Extensive online hypertext documentation
  • Procedural and functional programming
  • User-definable data structures
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Integrated source-level debugger
  • Dynamic linking of external binary code
  • Development of functions for use from Scientific WorkPlace(r) or Scientific Notebook(r)

Notebook Interface for Interactive Calculations

  • Enhanced library of statistics functions
  • Enhanced numeric library
  • New implementation of the library for combinatorics
  • Combines text, calculations, and graphics
  • 2D graphical output of mathematical formulae
  • Built-in rich text editor for writing notebooks
  • Built-in text editor with syntax coloring for writing user-defined procedures
  • Support for OLE 2
  • Support for drag and drop

Interactive Graphics Tool

  • 3D Viewer based on OpenGL
  • 3D Viewer features shading, zooming, clipping planes, rotating, point requests, and animations
  • 2D and 3D graphics
  • Mouse-driven interface
  • Zooming, rotating, and perspective control of scenes
  • Plotting of curves, surfaces, lists of points, or polygons
  • User-definable color functions
  • Support for PostScript(r), WMF, TIF, PNG, and various other output formats

Integrated Source-level Debugger

  • Mouse-driven interface
  • Conditional breakpoints
  • Step-by-step execution
  • Display of call stack

Evaluation of arbitrary expressions during execution

Mathematics Capabilities of MuPAD Pro 2.5

  • Library source included

  • Solve: Equations and systems of equations; inequalities; ordinary and partial differential equations; linear recurrence relations; linear congruences; polynomial diophantine equations; equations over standard domains (integer; real; complex); equations over abstract algebraic structures

  • Calculus: Limits; integration; differentiation; series expansions; integral transforms; differential operators; orthogonal polynomials; piecewise defined functions

  • Linear Algebra: Matrices over arbitrary coefficient rings; determinants; eigenvalues; eigenvectors; canonical forms; divergence; gradient; curl

  • Numerics: Extended library when the Scilab numerical system is connected to MuPAD 2.5. Solve equations and systems of equations; polynomial roots; integration; ODEs; functional calculus for matrices; eigenvalues; eigenvectors; singular value decomposition; FFT; polynomial interpolation; splines; optimization problems. Extended library when the Scilab numerical system is connected to MuPAD 2.5.

  • Assumptions and Properties: Attach properties to identifiers (properties are integers; reals; intervals; residue classes; relations) check mathematical properties of identifiers

  • Set Theory: Union; intersection; Cartesian product; power set

  • Polynomials: Over arbitrary rings; sparse representation; gcd; factorization; Groebner bases

  • Linear Optimization: Solve; minimize; maximize; plot linear and mixed-integer programs

  • Number Theory: Continued fractions; factorization using elliptic curves; Jacobi and Legendre symbol; Euler phi; Euler totient; Mangoldt's; Moebius and Carmichael functions; modular and primitive roots

  • Combinatorics: Bell, Catalan, and Stirling numbers; compositions; partitions of numbers; powerset; permutations of lists; subsets; generators

  • Statistics: Bravais-Pearson and Fechner correlation; continuous and discrete distributions; chi square, normal and T distribution; arithmetic; geometric; harmonic and quadratic mean; linear and non-linear regression; standard and mean deviation; variance, covariance, kurtosis, and k-th moment; random number generators; quartiles; cumulative and probability densities for 16 types of parametrized distributions; goodness-of-fit tests; box plot representations of statistical samples

  • Networks and Graphs: Define, edit, and plot; find shortest paths or maximal flows

  • Lindenmayer Systems: Define and draw fractals by means of context-free grammars

  • Algebraic Structures: Symmetric groups; polynomial rings; matrix rings and groups; product rings; algebraic field extensions; finite fields; and quotient fields. User-created domains extend these structures.

Systems Technical Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows(r) 95, 98, Me, or Windows NT 4.0, 2000, XP or Apple Macintosh(r) running an emulator program such as Virtual PC
  • 32-64 MB of RAM (64 - 128 MB recommended)
  • 40-80 MB hard disk space

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