della Lindo Systems Inc.
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LINGO's Database Capabilities

Databases are the tool of choice for managing large amounts of information. LINGO uses ODBC technology to allow you to access set information and data in virtually any popular Windows database application. Using a single statement in your model you can transfer data between LINGO and database applications such as:

  • Microsoft Access
  • Oracle
  • DB/2
  • Paradox
  • Microsoft SQL server

or any other application with an ODBC driver. You can even access databases that are password protected by entering the user-id and password in LINGO at the start of your session.

Read Database Information

LINGO lets you easily and conveniently store your model's information in a database. LINGO can read two types of information from databases. It can read numbers used as data in your optimization model. It can also read set member names such as a list of destination cities on a routing problem.

Write Solution Information to Databases

As with spreadsheets, LINGO can write solution information directly to a database file. This makes it easy to produce customized solution reports.

Build Turn-key Database Applications

LINGO can be run as a server application from a database program. For example, using Microsoft Access as your development environment and LINGO as your solver, you could build a complete, turn-key database application for a client or colleague. The user could be provided with input screens, output screens and customized reports as well as a "Solve" button right in their application, which directly calls LINGO and runs a series of specified commands.  

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