EViews 3.1 Student Version

Quantitative Micro Software is pleased to announce the Spring 2000 release of EViews 3.1 Student Version. Based on our best-selling EViews 3.1, the EViews Student Version is a low-cost alternative to the full version of EViews, and is specially designed for classroom instructional settings where the full power of EViews is not required.

EViews 3.1 Student Version provides students with access to the innovative object-oriented user interface of EViews 3.1. As always, EViews' built-in procedures are only a mouse click away and provide the tools most frequently used in practical econometric and forecasting work.

Students can use EViews'  wide range of statistical and graphical techniques without having to learn complicated command syntax or navigate through layers and layers of menus. Since your students need not concern themselves with the complexities of typical software, they can concentrate on the substance of the coursework. For example, students can switch easily between a display of their equation specification, basic estimation results, the coefficient covariance matrix, actual-fitted-residual graphs and tables, forecast graphs and evaluations, and extensive diagnostic and hypothesis tests.

While it does contain some capacity and feature limitations, EViews 3.1 Student Version provides most of the capabilities of our Standard Version. We are confident that EViews 3.1 Student Version will prove to be an ideal solution to all of your instructional and academic needs.

Now on CD-ROM!

The EViews 3.1 Student Version package includes a 56-page Student Version manual (featuring an extended case study), as well as a CD-ROM disc containing the software, sample data, a full Windows-style Help System, and Portable Document Format (PDF) files of documentation for both the Student and Standard Versions of EViews 3.1. Both the Windows Help System and the PDF files are searchable and hypertext linked for quick access to program documentation.

A Modern Interface

EViews Student Version uses the same easy-to-use Windows interface as our Standard Version. It's all there...Full mouse support takes advantage of all of the features of a modern, graphical user interface. Context sensitive menus and dialogs guide you thorugh your analysis, showing you the different views and procedures available for analyzing your data, and where necessary, prompting you for additional input. Multiple window support allows you to examine various aspects of your data or results; for example, two sets of equation results, or both the coefficient estimates and graphs of forecasted values.

You can also use the Windows clipboard to transfer data and results between EViews and other Windows applications. Highlight your Microsoft Excel data and copy-and-paste it directly into EViews. Copy-and-paste your regression results to Microsoft Word, and EViews will use create a formated table of results in Word. Of course if you don't like cut-and-paste, EViews supports direct file access to Lotus WKS, WK1, and WK3 files, Microsoft Excel XLS files, and Microsoft Windows Metafiles).

Need help? EViews provides a full Windows-style help system containing the bulk of our printed documentation. Use Windows Help's indexing and search capabilities to find the information you need to get the job done.

Basic Statistics

EViews provides sophisticated tools for computing descriptive statistics and for performing hypothesis tests (including simple one-way ANOVA).

Graphical presentations of histograms, cumulative distribution, survivor, and quantile functions allow you to characterize the distribution of your data. Quantile-quantile plots allow you to compare your data to empirical and theoretical distributions. EViews also calculates kernel density estimates, and produces scatterplots with curve fitting using ordinary, transformation, kernel, and nearest neighbor regression.

Do you work with time series data? EViews built-in unit root tests (ADF and Phillips-Perron), cointegration tests, causality tests, and tools for computing autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions, Q-statistics, and cross-correlation functions, let you explore the time series properties of your data...

Estimating Equations

EViews Student Version includes basic estimators such as ordinary least squares (multiple regression), two-stage and nonlinear least squares. You can perform weighted estimation, and can add polynomial lag structures on any number of independent variables with these specifications. EViews Student Version also provides built-in tools for estimating binary probit and logit models.

EViews automatically displays appropriate summary statistics for most specifications: coefficients, t-statistics, standard errors (ordinary, White, or Newey-West) and covariances, F-Statistic with probability, R-square, R-square adjusted for degrees of freedom, sum-of-squared residuals and standard error of the regression, log-likelihood, Durbin-Watson statistic, Akaike and Schwarz Information Criteria.

EViews advanced estimators allow you to estimate sophisticated time series models involving autoregressive and moving average errors, using the backcasting method of Box and Jenkins, or conditional least squares. Seasonal autoregressive and seasonal moving average specifications may also be estimated.

Once your specification is estimated, EViews provides powerful evaluation, testing and forecasting tools. You can easily compute Wald and likelihood ratio tests for coefficient restrictions and omitted or redundant variables; correlogram, Q-statistic and normality tests for residuals; serial correlation LM and Durbin-Watson, ARCH LM, White Heteroskedasticity, Chow Forecast and breakpoint, Ramsey RESET, and (for linear models only) recursive least squares, recursive residual, CUSUM, CUSUM of squares, One-step and N-step forecast tests.

Need to perform a forecast? Built-in procedures make constructing forecasts a snap. Use single, double, or Holt-Winters exponential smoothing to create your forecast. If you prefer, you can use the results from a previously estimated equation. Simply specify the forecast interval, whether you want dynamic or static forecasts, and EViews will do the rest.

Student Version Limitations

The Student Version is a restricted version of EViews 3.1 that differs from the Standard Version along two primary dimensions. First, there are capacity restrictions which limit the size of projects. Each series is limited to 1,000 observations, and the total number of data points (series x observations per series) is limited to 10,000. In addition, there is a limit of 50 objects (series, equations, graphs, etc.) in each workfile.

Second, the Student Version lacks EViews' more advanced analytical and programming features. The following features, though available in the Standard Version of EViews 3.1, are not available in the Student Version:

  • X-11 seasonal adjustment. Seasonal adjustment by the ratio-to-moving average and difference-from-moving average techniques are included in the Student Version.
  • Write access to EViews databases.You may, however, read from existing EViews databases, and read and write from standard EViews workfiles. Read-Write access to the DRI Basic Economics Database and the Haver databases is not provided.
  • Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), State space estimation, ARCH estimation and forecasting, ordered discrete choice, count, and censored/truncated equation estimation, user-specified log-likelihood estimation.
  • System estimation by Seemingly Unrelated Regression, Two and Three-Stage Least Squares, GMM and FIML.
  • Programming Capabilities. EViews 3.1 contains an advanced programming language that allows you to write and execute sophisticated programs in batch mode. The Student Version is limited to interactive use.
  • Matrix Operations. The standard version of EViews 3.1 provides an extensive set of functions for matrix algebra and manipulation that is not available in the Student Version.

System Requirements

EViews 3.1 Student Version is a 32-bit program that requires and takes full advantage of the new features of Windows 9x, and Windows NT 4.0 or 2000.

Since EViews 3.1 Student Version is distributed on CD-ROM, you will need access to a CD-ROM drive to install and/or run the software.


EViews 3.1 Student Version may be obtained by students directly from TStat. The Student Version is also available bundled with the following books:

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