Tex2Word 3.0 by
Product Description
is a converter designed in order to use with Microsoft Word and enables
Microsoft Word to open documents in TeX format (this includes any
TeX-based formats like LaTeX, etc.). This gives the opportunity to
import existing TeX documents to Microsoft Word. TeX2Word is based on
Chikrii Softlab pseudoTeX technology and this means that virtually any
existing TeX/LaTeX package can be supported by TeX2Word. TeX2Word has
open-architecture and provides everyone with opportunity to customize
it for personal or business needs.
What For ?
you may need your documents to be in Microsoft Word format? TeX/LaTeX
is a de-facto standard in scientific publishing, but many publishers
accept papers only in Microsoft Word format. Other reason is wide
spectrum of software compatible with Microsoft Word, for example,
Microsoft Word documents can be published on the Web using, for
instance, Mathpage technology shipped with Design Science MathType
version 5.
Principal Characteristics
State-of-the-art user interface + Seamless operation
Once TeX2Word installed,
its operation is seamless, below is shown a three-step procedure of
converting TeX document to Microsoft Word:
- Start Microsoft Word (if it's not already running);
- Invoke File|Open... dialog box and choose "TeX" format:
- Choose file you want to be imported and click Open
Real equation translation
TeX2Word translates TeX
equations to real MathType equation objects. They are fully functional
as if you created them with MathType manually (real-life example with MathType below).
Maximum flexibility
TeX2Word isn't just converter -- it has pseudoTeX compiler
built-in! And that's why we can surely say that TeX2Word can translate
any TeX/LaTeX document. Anyway, there's a lot of different LaTeX
formats/document classes and packages. All document classes and
packages that TeX2Word supports are distributed with TeX2Word in
source-code form so that anyone interested can define/redefine any
TeX2Word translation rules.
System Technical Requirements
In order to install and run TeX2Word, your computer must have:
- Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 (32 and 64 bit) or later;
- The TeX2Word converter is not independent
application, but the add-in to Microsoft Word and it requires Microsoft
Word 97 or later version (Microsoft Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP, 2003,
2007, 2010 32-bit);
- If you are using Microsoft Word version older than 2007 you need Design Science MathType installed (version 4 or later);
- A hard disk drive with at least 100 megabytes of free space.
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