Lirsel by
Product Description
the last thirty years, the LISREL model, methods and software have
become synonymous with structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM allows
researchers in the social sciences, management sciences, behavioral
sciences, biological sciences, educational sciences and other fields to
empirically assess their theories. These theories are usually
formulated as theoretical models for observed and latent (unobservable)
variables. If data are collected for the observed variables of the
theoretical model, the LISREL program can be used to fit the model to
the data. Today, however, LISREL for Windows is no longer limited to

Principal Characteristics
The latest LISREL for Windows includes the following statistical applications.
- LISREL for structural equation modeling.
- The 32-bit application LISREL is intended for:
- Standard structural equation modeling
- Multilevel structural equation modeling
- These methods are available for the following data types:
- Complete and incomplete complex survey data on continuous variables
- Complete and incomplete simple random sample data on ordinal and continuous variables
- PRELIS for data manipulations and basic statistical analyses.
- PRELIS is a 32-bit application which can be used for:
- Data manipulation
- Data transformation
- Data generation
- Computing moment matrices
- Computing asymptotic covariance matrices of sample moments
- Imputation by matching
- Multiple imputation
- Multiple linear regression
- Logistic regression
- Univariate and multivariate censored regression
- ML and MINRES exploratory factor analysis
- MULTILEV for hierarchical linear and non-linear modeling.
- MULTILEV fits multilevel linear and nonlinear models
to multilevel data from simple random and complex survey designs. It
allows for models with continuous and categorical response variables.
- SURVEYGLIM for generalized linear modeling.
- SURVEYGLIM fits Generalized LInear Models (GLIMs) to
data from simple random and complex survey designs. Models for the
following sampling distributions are available.
- Multinomial
- Bernoulli
- Binomial
- Negative Binomial
- Poisson
- Normal
- Gamma
- Inverse Gaussian
- CATFIRM for formative inference-based recursive modeling for categorical response variables.
- CATFIRM implements formal inference-based recursive modeling for categorical outcome variables.
- CONFIRM for formative inference-based recursive modeling for continuous response variables.
- CONFIRM implements formal inference-based recursive modeling for continuous outcome variables.
- MAPGLIM for generalized linear modeling for multilevel data.
- MAPGLIM implements the Maximum A Priori (MAP) method to fit generalized linear models to multilevel data.

System Technical Requirements
for Windows requires Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows-ME, Windows 2000
or Windows XP. It is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit editions of
Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
LISREL 8.8 is Compatible with Windows 7.
It has successfully passed Microsoft designed tests for compatibility
and reliability on Windows 7. It can be used on both the 32-bit and
64-bit editions. Compatible with Windows 7 products install without
worry and run reliably with Windows 7.
Microsoft has awarded SSI's LISREL software its prestigious Certified for Windows Vista
logo. Only applications that pass rigorous testing procedures for
compatibility, functionality, and reliability on Windows Vista-based
personal computers are granted this logo.
Lisrel 8.7 is also available for Unix.
Available Unix platforms:
- Sun-Solaris
- Linux
- TRU64
- Alpha-OpenVMS
All machines in a network license must be of the same hardware type,
i.e., all RS/6000s, all SUN SPARCstations, etc. Because different
hardware platforms are not binary compatible, several network licenses
may be required to make LISREL/PRELIS available on all stations of a
heterogeneous UNIX network. Program licensing is "network-aware".
License fees are based on the number of station nodes ordered per year.
There is no limit on the number of users. The program is not designed
to take advantage of multi-processor systems. The program has a
text-driven interface, using text data and syntax files for input and
output, rather than a graphical interface. No graphical features are
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