What's new in Alas.ti 7 (Overview PDF)

While the basic operations of ATLAS.ti (segmenting, coding, memoing, etc.) remain the same, there are numerous areas in which users will be delighted to find significant changes. They make working with the program even smoother, easier, faster, safer, and more productive than ever before. All work flows have been examined and streamlined, powerful--and in some cases, radically innovative--new features added, and the overall experience significantly improved.

There is so much to discover in the new, powerful ATLAS.ti 7, we don't know where to start. Perhaps we start at the very core: Taking its legendary, central "VISE" principle to a new level, ATLAS.ti 7 can truly be said to be "VISE-r" than ever.

Visualize: The margin reloaded: Work with audio and video just as natural as you are used to with text and images. Code Tag Views, integrated frequency bars, a superb new network editor, list previews of documents and analysis items.

Integrate: Need for open windows drastically reduced. No need to open multiple windows to visualize your data. Activate visuals right there in the workspace you are using!

Serendipity: Create and navigate your hyperlinks between sections of text, images, audio and video in the most natural synoptic way with up to four documents of any kind displayed and interconnected,  side-by-side.

Exploration: The co-occurrence table tool, the codes-documents table, the neat side-panel filter area for the item managers, the search field to comfortably find your way through thousands of items in milliseconds, and a completely refurbished network editor.

And behind the scenes: A new powerful data management system that keeps all your documents in a safe, scalable data repository (but without compromising ATLAS.ti legendary extra light-weight approach, i.,e. WITHOUT any servers to install or run, and without the size limitations that are inherent of the add-on database servers most similar products rely on).  Pure, reliable performance!


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