- Sample session
- Main Stata window
- Menus and dialogs
- Command and Results windows
- Review window
- Variables window
- Data Editor
- Renaming and formatting variables
- Hide, show, and order your data
- Viewer
- Installing user-written commands
- Do-file Editor
- Graph window and Editor
- Current working directory
- Loading and saving data
- Working with data
- Stata’s command syntax
- The data in memory
- Value labels
- Formats
- Notes
- Other kinds of labels
- Keeping logs
- Safe computing
- Basic data reporting
- Data manipulation
- Making strings into numerical categorical variables
- Doing things the long way
- The second solution
- The best solution
- Observation subscripts _n and _N
- Memory management
© Copyright 1996–2024 StataCorp LLC
- Obtaining data
- Import and export Excel data
- import excel
- export excel
- Import and export text data
- import delimited
- export delimited
- Other commands to import and export data
- Import and export data from and to a database (ODBC)
- Undelimited text data
- Import and export SAS XPORT files
- Import Haver databases
- Import Federal Reserve Economic Data
- Translate shapefiles
- Reading dates and times
- Appending data
- Merging data
- Notes about merge
- Merge with repeated variables
- An example of append and merge
- Wide versus long data
- How to think about variables and their contents
Note: There is a one-week break between the posting of Sessions 2 and 3; however, course leaders are available for discussion