Al contrario di un corso di formazione di tipo tradizionale, dove gli iscritti devono frequentare il corso di persona, un corso via internet si svolge completamente on-line. Gli iscritti entrano a far parte di un circuito chiuso di posta elettronica. I corsi via internet sono quindi più facilmente accessibili dal punto di vista logistica ed economica rispetta ai corsi di tipo tradizionali. Inoltre la struttura dei corsi è molto più flessibile, dato che non ci sono vincoli d’orario. Normalmente i corsi sono divisi fra alcune sessioni. All’inizio di ogni sessione, gli iscritti ricevono tutto il materiale rilevante: dispense; risposte alle domande e soluzioni dagli esercizi fatti nella sessione precedente. Fra sessioni c’è un periodo di interruzione che permette agli iscritti di: ripassare le precedenti lezioni; fare alcuni esercizi relativi alla materia dell’ultima sessione; discutere problemi/idee con gli altri partecipanti e il responsabile del corso. Alla fine del corso, il circuito di posta elettronica rimane aperto per un periodo predefinito per permettere discussioni fra i partecipanti e il responsabile.

NetCourse® 101:  

Introduction to Stata  | 6 settimane – 4 sessioni, 07.03.2025 – 18.04.2025

Learn how to use all of Stata’s tools and become a sophisticated Stata user. You will understand the Stata environment, how to import and export data from different formats, how Stata’s intuitive syntax works, data management in Stata, matching and merging, how to analyze subgroups of data, how to reproduce your work and document it for publication and review, how to interact with the Stata community online, and more. Further details

NetCourse® 120:  

Statistical Graphics Using Stata | 6 settimane – 4 sessioni, 07.03.2025 – 18.04.2025

Learn how to communicate your data with Stata’s powerful graphics features. This course will introduce different kinds of graphs and demonstrate how to use them for exploratory data analysis. Topics include how to use graphs to check model assumptions, how to format, save, and export your graphs for publication using the Graph Editor, how to create custom graph schemes, how to create complex graphs by layering and combining multiple graphs, how to use margins and marginsplot, and more. Bonus material includes information on user-written graph commands and useful data management tools.  Further details

NetCourse® 151:  

Introduction to Stata Programming | 6 settimane – 4 sessioni, 07.03.2025 – 18.04.2025

Become an expert in organizing your work in Stata. Make the most of Stata’s scripting language to improve your workflow and create concretely reproducible analyses. Learn how branching, looping, flow of control, and accessing saved estimation results can speed up your work and lead to more complete analyses. Learn about bootstrapping and Monte Carlo simulations, too.  Further details

NetCourse® 251:  

Writing Your Own Stata Commands | 7 settimane – 5 sessioni, 24.01.2025 – 14.03.2025

Learn how to create and debug your own commands that are indistinguishable from the commands in Stata. You will be able to parse both standard and nonstandard Stata syntax using the intuitive syntax command, to manage and process saved results, to post your own saved results, to process by-groups, to create data management commands, to program your own maximum-likelihood estimator, and more. In short, learn to create commands that act just like the commands that ship with Stata. Further details

NetCourse® 461:  

Univariate Time Series with Stata | 7 settimane – 4 sessioni, 24.01.2025 – 14.03.2025


Learn about univariate time-series analysis with an emphasis on the practical aspects most needed by practitioners and applied researchers. Written for a broad array of users, including economists, forecasters, financial analysts, managers, and anyone who wants to analyze time-series data. Become expert in handling date and date-time data; time-series operators; time-series graphics, basic forecasting methods; ARIMA, ARMAX, and seasonal models.

We provide lecture material, detailed answers to the questions posted at the end of each lecture, and access to a discussion board on which you can post questions for other students and the course leader to answer. Further details

NetCourse® 471:  

Introduction to Panel Data Using Stata | 6 settimane – 4 sessioni, 24.01.2025 – 07.03.2025

Become an expert in the analysis and implementation of linear, nonlinear, and dynamic panel-data estimators using Stata. This course focuses on the interpretation of panel-data estimates and the assumptions underlying the models that give rise to them. The course is geared for researchers and practitioners in all fields. The breadth of the lectures will be helpful if you want to learn about panel-data analysis or if you are familiar with the subjects.

The concepts presented are reinforced with practical exercises at the end of each section. We also provide additional exercises at the end of each lecture and access to a discussion board on which you can post questions for other students and the course leaders to answer. Further details

NetCourse® 631:  

Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata | 7 settimane – 5 sessioni, 24.01.2025 – 14.03.2025

Learn how to effectively analyze survival data using Stata. We cover censoring, truncation, hazard rates, and survival functions. Topics include data preparation, descriptive statistics, life tables, Kaplan–Meier curves, and semiparametric (Cox) regression and parametric regression. Discover how to set the survival-time characteristics of your dataset just once then apply any of Stata’s many estimators and statistics to that data.

Written for everyone who uses Stata, whether health researchers or social scientists. We provide lecture material, detailed answers to the questions posted at the end of each lecture, and access to a discussion board on which you can post questions for other students and the course leader to answer. Further details

NetCourse® Now  

Would you like to choose the time and set the pace of a NetCourse? Would you like to have a personal NetCourse instructor? Then, enroll in a NetCourseNow. All lectures will be posted at once, and you will be given the email address of your personal NetCourse instructor to whom you can email questions about the lectures. Enroll now, and begin when you’re ready.