Stata Tips Volume II

Stata Tips provides concise and insightful notes about commands, features, and tricks that will help you obtain a deeper understanding of Stata.


The book comprises the contributions of the Stata community that have appeared in the Stata Journal since 2003. Each tip is a brief article that provides practical advice on using Stata. With tips covering a breadth of topics in statistics, graphics, data management, and programming, both new and experienced Stata users are sure to find tips that will be useful in their research.

Editor’s preface (PDF)


Introducing Stata tips


  • Stata tip 120: Certifying subroutines, M. L. Buis
  • Stata tip 121: Box plots side by side, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 122: Variable bar widths in two-way graphs, B. Jann
  • Stata tip 123: Spell boundaries, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 124: Passing temporary variables to subprograms, M. L. Buis
  • Stata tip 125: Binned residual plots for assessing the fit of regression models for binary outcomes, J. Kasza
  • Stata tip 126: Handling irregularly spaced high-frequency transactions data, C. F. Baum and S. Bibo
  • Stata tip 127: Use capture noisily groups, R. B. Newson
  • Stata tip 128: Marginal effects in log-transformed models: A trade application, L. J. Uberti
  • Stata tip 129: Efficiently processing textual data with Stata’s new Unicode features, A. Koplenig
  • Stata tip 130: 106610 and all that: Date variables that need to be fixed., N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 131: Custom legends for graphs that use translucency, T. P. Morris
  • Stata tip 132: Tiny tricks and tips on ticks, N. J. Cox and V. Wiggins
  • Stata tip 133: Box plots that show median and quartiles only, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 134: Multiplicative and marginal interaction effects in nonlinear models, W. H. Dow, E. C. Norton, and J. T. Donahoe
  • Stata tip 135: Leaps and bounds, M. L. Buis
  • Stata tip 136: Between-group comparisons in a scatterplot with weighted markers, A. Musau
  • Stata tip 137: Interpreting constraints on slopes of rank-deficient design matrices, D. Christodoulou
  • Stata tip 138: Local macros have local scope, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 139: The by() option of graph can work better than graph combine, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 140: Shorter or fewer category labels with graph bar, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 141: Adding marginal spike histograms to quantile and cumulative distribution plots, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 142: joinby is the real merge m:m, D. Mazrekaj and J. Wursten
  • Stata tip 143: Creating donut charts in Stata, A. Musau
  • Stata tip 144: Adding variable text to graphs that use a by() option, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 145: Numbering weeks within months, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 146: Using margins after a Poisson regression model to estimate the number of events prevented by an intervention, M. Falcaro, R. B. Newson, and P. Sasieni
  • Erratum: Stata tip 145: Numbering weeks within months, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 147: Porting downloaded packages between machines, R. B. Newson
  • Stata tip 148: Searching for words within strings, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 149: Weighted estimation of fixed-effects and first-differences models, J. Gardner
  • Stata tip 150: When is it appropriate to xtset a panel dataset with panelvar only? C. Lazzaro
  • Stata tip 151: Puzzling out some logical operators, N. J. Cox
  • Stata tip 152: if and if: When to use the if qualifier and when to use the if command, N. J. Cox and C. B. Schechter
Author: Nicholas J. Cox
Edition: Fourth Edition
©Copyright: 2024
Versione e-Book disponibile

Stata Tips provides concise and insightful notes about commands, features, and tricks that will help you obtain a deeper understanding of Stata.


The book comprises the contributions of the Stata community that have appeared in the Stata Journal since 2003. Each tip is a brief article that provides practical advice on using Stata. With tips covering a breadth of topics in statistics, graphics, data management, and programming, both new and experienced Stata users are sure to find tips that will be useful in their research.