Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata Volume II: Categorical Responses, Counts, and Survival

Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Fourth Edition, by Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal, is a complete resource for learning to model data in which observations are grouped—whether those groups are formed by a nesting structure, such as children nested in classrooms, or formed by repeated observations on the same individuals. This text introduces random-effects models, fixed-effects models, mixed-effects models, marginal models, dynamic models, and growth-curve models, all of which account for the grouped nature of these types of data. As Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal introduce each model, they explain when the model is useful, its assumptions, how to fit and evaluate the model using Stata, and how to interpret the results. With this comprehensive coverage, researchers who need to apply multilevel models will find this book to be the perfect companion. It is also the ideal text for courses in multilevel modeling because it provides examples from a variety of disciplines as well as end-of-chapter exercises that allow students to practice newly learned material.


The book comprises two volumes. Volume I focuses on linear models for continuous outcomes, while volume II focuses on generalized linear models for binary, ordinal, count, and other types of outcomes.


Volume I begins with a review of linear regression and then builds on this review to introduce two-level models, the simplest extensions of linear regression to models for multilevel and longitudinal/panel data. Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal introduce the random-intercept model without covariates, developing the model from principles and thereby familiarizing the reader with terminology, summarizing and relating the widely used estimating strategies, and providing historical perspective. Once the authors have established the foundation, they smoothly generalize to random-intercept models with covariates and then to a discussion of the various estimators (between, within, and random effects). The authors also discuss models with random coefficients. The text then turns to models specifically designed for longitudinal and panel data—dynamic models, marginal models, and growth-curve models. The last portion of volume I covers models with more than two levels and models with crossed random effects.


The foundation and in-depth coverage of linear-model principles provided in volume I allow for a straightforward transition to generalized linear models for noncontinuous outcomes, which are described in volume II. This second volume begins with chapters introducing multilevel and longitudinal models for binary, ordinal, nominal, and count data. Focus then turns to survival analysis, introducing multilevel models for both discrete-time survival data and continuous-time survival data. The volume concludes by extending the two-level generalized linear models introduced in previous chapters to models with three or more levels and to models with crossed random effects.


In both volumes, readers will find extensive applications of multilevel and longitudinal models. Using many datasets that appeal to a broad audience, Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal provide worked examples in each chapter. They also show the breadth of Stata’s commands for fitting the models discussed. They demonstrate Stata’s xt suite of commands (xtregxtlogitxtpoisson, etc.), which is designed for two-level random-intercept models for longitudinal/panel data. They demonstrate the me suite of commands (mixedmelogitmepoisson, etc.), which is designed for multilevel models, including those with random coefficients and those with three or more levels. In volume 2, they discuss gllamm, a community-contributed Stata command developed by Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal that can fit many latent-variable models, of which the generalized linear mixed-effects model is a special case.The types of models fit by the xt commands, the me commands, and gllamm sometimes overlap; when this happens, the authors highlight the differences in syntax, data organization, and output for the commands. The authors also point out the strengths and weaknesses of these commands, based on considerations such as computational speed, accuracy, available predictions, and available postestimation statistics.


The fourth edition of Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata has been thoroughly revised and updated. In it, you will find new material on Kenward–Roger degrees-of-freedom adjustments for small sample sizes, difference-in-differences estimation for natural experiments, instrumental-variables estimation to account for level-one endogeneity, and Bayesian estimation for crossed-effects models. In addition, you will find new discussions of meologitcmxtmixlogitmestregmenbreg, and other commands introduced in Stata since the third edition of the book.


In summary, Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Fourth Edition is the most complete, up-to-date depiction of Stata’s capacity for fitting models to multilevel and longitudinal data. Readers will also find thorough explanations of the methods and practical advice for using these techniques. This text is a great introduction for researchers and students wanting to learn about these powerful data analysis tools.




Single-level logit and probit regression models for dichotomous responses

Generalized linear model formulation

Labor-participation data
Estimation using logit
Estimation using glm

Latent-response formulation

Logistic regression

Probit regression

Estimation using probit

Which treatment is best for toenail infection?
Longitudinal data structure
Proportions and fitted population-averaged or marginal probabilities
Random-intercept logistic regression

Model specification

Reduced-form specification
Two-stage formulation

Model assumptions


Using xtlogit
Using melogit
Using gllamm

Subject-specific or conditional vs. population-averaged or marginal relationships
Measures of dependence and heterogeneity

Conditional or residual intraclass correlation of the latent responses
Median odds ratio
Measures of association for observed responses at median fixed part of the model

Inference for random-intercept logistic models

Tests and confidence intervals for odds ratios
Tests of variance components

Maximum likelihood estimation

Adaptive quadrature
Some speed and accuracy considerations

Integration methods and number of quadrature points
Starting values
Using melogit and gllamm for collapsible data
Spherical quadrature in gllamm

Assigning values to random effects

Maximum “likelihood” estimation
Empirical Bayes prediction
Empirical Bayes modal prediction

Different kinds of predicted probabilities

Predicted population-averaged or marginal probabilities
Predicted subject-specific probabilities

Predictions for hypothetical subjects: Conditional probabilities
Predictions for the subjects in the sample: Posterior mean probabilities

Other approaches to clustered dichotomous data

Conditional logistic regression

Estimation using clogit

Generalized estimating equations (GEE)

Estimation using xtgee

Summary and further reading



Single-level cumulative models for ordinal responses

Generalized linear model formulation
Latent-response formulation
Proportional odds

Are antipsychotic drugs effective for patients with schizophrenia?
Longitudinal data structure and graphs

Longitudinal data structure
Plotting cumulative proportions
Plotting cumulative sample logits and transforming the time scale

Single-level proportional-odds model

Model specification

Estimation using ologit

Random-intercept proportional-odds model

Model specification

Estimation using meologit

Estimation using gllamm

Measures of dependence and heterogeneity

Residual intraclass correlation of latent responses
Median odds ratio

Random-coefficient proportional odds model

Model specification

Estimation using meologit

Estimation using gllamm

Different kinds of predicted probabilities

Predicted population-averaged or marginal probabilities
Predicted subject-specific probabilities: Posterior mean

Do experts differ in their grading of student essays?
A random-intercept probit model with grader bias

Model specification
Estimation using gllamm

Including grader-specific measurement error variances

Model specification
Estimation using gllamm

Including grader-specific thresholds

Model specification
Estimation using gllamm

Other link functions

Cumulative complementary log-log model
Continuation-ratio logit model
Adjacent-category logit model
Baseline-category logit and stereotype models

Summary and further reading



Single-level models for nominal responses

Multinomial logit models

Transport data version 1
Estimation using mlogit

Conditional logit models with alternative-specific covariates

Transport data version 2: Expanded form
Estimation using clogit
Estimation using cmclogit

Conditional logit models with alternative- and unit-specific covariates

Estimation using clogit
Estimation using cmclogit

Independence from irrelevant alternatives
Utility-maximization formulation
Does marketing affect choice of yogurt?
Single-level conditional logit models

Conditional logit models with alternative-specific intercepts

Estimation using clogit
Estimation using cmclogit

Multilevel conditional logit models

Preference heterogeneity: Brand-specific random intercepts

Estimation using cmxtmixlogit
Estimation using gllamm

Response heterogeneity: Marketing variables with random coefficients

Estimation using cmxtmixlogit
Estimation using gllamm

Preference and response heterogeneity

Estimation using cmxtmixlogit
Estimation using gllamm

Prediction of random effects and response probabilities

Prediction of random effects and household-specific choice probabilities
Summary and further reading





What are counts?

Counts versus proportions
Counts as aggregated event-history data

Single-level Poisson models for counts
Did the German health-care reform reduce the number of doctor visits?
Longitudinal data structure
Single-level Poisson regression

Model specification

Estimation using poisson
Estimation using glm

Random-intercept Poisson regression

Model specification
Measures of dependence and heterogeneity

Using xtpoisson
Using mepoisson
Using gllamm

Random-coefficient Poisson regression

Model specification

Estimation using mepoisson
Estimation using gllamm

Overdispersion in single-level models

Normally distributed random intercept

Estimation using xtpoisson

Negative binomial models

Mean dispersion or NB2
Constant dispersion or NB1


Estimation using glm

Level-1 overdispersion in two-level models

Random-intercept Poisson model with robust standard errors

Estimation using mepoisson

Three-level random-intercept model

Negative binomial models with random intercepts

Estimation using menbreg

The HHG model

Other approaches to two-level count data

Conditional Poisson regression

Estimation using xtpoisson, fe
Estimation using Poisson regression with dummy variables for clusters

Conditional negative binomial regression
Generalized estimating equations

Estimation using xtgee

Marginal and conditional effects when responses are MAR
Which Scottish counties have a high risk of lip cancer?
Standardized mortality ratios
Random-intercept Poisson regression

Model specification

Estimation using gllamm

Prediction of standardized mortality ratios

Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation


Estimation using gllamm


Summary and further reading


Introduction to models for survival or duration data (part VII)



Single-level models for discrete-time survival data

Discrete-time hazard and discrete-time survival

Promotions data

Data expansion for discrete-time survival analysis
Estimation via regression models for dichotomous responses

Estimation using logit

Including time-constant covariates

Estimation using logit

Including time-varying covariates

Estimation using logit

Multiple absorbing events and competing risks

Estimation using mlogit

Handling left-truncated data

How does birth history affect child mortality?
Data expansion
Proportional hazards and interval-censoring
Complementary log-log models

Marginal baseline hazard

Estimation using cloglog

Including covariates

Estimation using cloglog

Random-intercept complementary log-log model

Model specification

Estimation using mecloglog

Population-averaged or marginal vs. subject-specific or conditional survival probabilities
Summary and further reading



What makes marriages fail?
Hazards and survival
Proportional hazards models

Piecewise exponential model

Estimation using streg
Estimation using poisson

Cox regression model

Estimation using stcox

Cox regression via Poisson regression for expanded data

Estimation using xtpoisson, fe

Approximate Cox regression: Poisson regression, smooth baseline hazard

Estimation using poisson

Accelerated failure-time models

Log-normal model

Estimation using streg
Estimation using stintreg

Time-varying covariates

Estimation using streg

Does nitrate reduce the risk of angina pectoris?
Marginal modeling

Cox regression with occasion-specific dummy variables

Estimation using stcox

Cox regression with occasion-specific baseline hazards

Estimation using stcox, strata

Approximate Cox regression

Estimation using poisson

Multilevel proportional hazards models

Cox regression with gamma shared frailty

Estimation using stcox, shared

Approximate Cox regression with log-normal shared frailty

Estimation using mepoisson

Approximate Cox regression with normal random intercept and coefficient

Estimation using mepoisson

Multilevel accelerated failure-time models

Log-normal model with gamma shared frailty

Estimation using streg

Log-normal model with log-normal shared frailty

Estimation using mestreg

Log-normal model with normal random intercept and random coefficient

Estimation using mestreg

Fixed-effects approach

Stratified Cox regression with subject-specific baseline hazards

Estimation using stcox, strata

Different approaches to recurrent-event data

Total time risk interval
Counting process risk interval
Gap-time risk interval

Summary and further reading





Did the Guatemalan immunization campaign work?
A three-level random-intercept logistic regression model

Model specification
Measures of dependence and heterogeneity

Types of residual intraclass correlations of the latent responses
Types of median odds ratios

Three-stage formulation


Using gllamm
Using xtmelogit

A three-level random-coefficient logistic regression model


Using gllamm
Using xtmelogit

Prediction of random effects

Empirical Bayes prediction
Empirical Bayes modal prediction

Different kinds of predicted probabilities

Predicted population-averaged or marginal probabilities: New clusters
Predicted median or conditional probabilities
Predicted posterior mean probabilities: Existing clusters

Do salamanders from different populations mate successfully?
Crossed random-effects logistic regression

Setup for estimating crossed random-effects model using melogit
Approximate maximum likelihood estimation

Estimation using melogit

Bayesian estimation

Brief introduction to Bayesian inference
Priors for the salamander data
Estimation using bayes: melogit

Estimates compared
Fully Bayesian versus empirical Bayesian inference for random effects

Summary and further reading


Syntax for gllamm, eq, and gllapred: The bare essentials
Syntax for gllamm
Syntax for gllapred
Syntax for gllasim
Author: Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal
Edition: Fourth Edition
ISBN-13: 978-1-59718-138-9
©Copyright: 2022
Versione e-Book disponibile

Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Fourth Edition, by Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal, is a complete resource for learning to model data in which observations are grouped—whether those groups are formed by a nesting structure, such as children nested in classrooms, or formed by repeated observations on the same individuals. This text introduces random-effects models, fixed-effects models, mixed-effects models, marginal models, dynamic models, and growth-curve models, all of which account for the grouped nature of these types of data. As Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal introduce each model, they explain when the model is useful, its assumptions, how to fit and evaluate the model using Stata, and how to interpret the results. With this comprehensive coverage, researchers who need to apply multilevel models will find this book to be the perfect companion. It is also the ideal text for courses in multilevel modeling because it provides examples from a variety of disciplines as well as end-of-chapter exercises that allow students to practice newly learned material.