XVIII Conferenza Italiana degli Utenti di Stata
Siamo liete di annunciare che la XVIII Conferenza Italiana di Stata si terrà il 25-26 Settembre a Milano, presso l’Hotel NH Collection Milano Touring.
Graphs Everyone Should Know and How to Create Them in Stata
Franz Buscha's book, Graphs Everyone Should Know and How to Create Them in Stata, is written for anyone who uses Stata to make graphs. Beginners will find a complete collection of tools for effectively visualizing their data and results. Experienced Stata users are certain to learn some new tricks as well.
Create and Export Tables Using Stata
In Create and Export Tables Using Stata, Michael Mitchell teaches you how to expertly craft custom, publication-quality tables of summary statistics, regression results, and more. Mitchell examined hundreds of published journal articles from many disciplines, searching for commonly used table layouts. This book breaks down how to create the most popularly used tables by guiding you through examples using Stata’s table, dtable, and etable commands, as well as the collect suite of commands.
Structural Equation Modelling with Partial Least Squares Using Stata and R
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a statistical framework that can model both observed and unobserved (latent) variables through complex relationships. While the traditional covariance-based SEM aims to find parameter estimates that minimize the distance between the observed and model-implied covariances of the observed variables, partial least-squares SEM (PLS-SEM) aims to find parameter estimates that maximize explained variance.
Introduction to Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (Pls-Sem) Using Stata
The course is of particular interest to researchers and professional working in social sciences, psychology, business administration, marketing and management.
Fundamentals of Supervised Machine Learning
This book presents the fundamental theoretical notions of supervised machine learning along with a wide range of applications using Python, R, and Stata.
Stata Tips Volume II
Stata Tips provides concise and insightful notes about commands, features, and tricks that will help you obtain a deeper understanding of Stata.
The book comprises the contributions of the Stata community that have appeared in the Stata Journal since 2003. Each tip is a brief article that provides practical advice on using Stata. With tips covering a breadth of topics in statistics, graphics, data management, and programming, both new and experienced Stata users are sure to find tips that will be useful in their research.
Stata Tips Volume I
Stata Tips provides concise and insightful notes about commands, features, and tricks that will help you obtain a deeper understanding of Stata.
The book comprises the contributions of the Stata community that have appeared in the Stata Journal since 2003. Each tip is a brief article that provides practical advice on using Stata. With tips covering a breadth of topics in statistics, graphics, data management, and programming, both new and experienced Stata users are sure to find tips that will be useful in their research.
Stata 18
Stata è un software statistico completo le cui potenzialità sono in grado di soddisfare un'ampia gamma di utenti accademici e professionali, in discipline quali economia, sociologia, psicologia, biostatistica, epidemiologia e altre. Include una vasta gamma di funzioni statistiche (vedi la sezione principali caratteristiche) e piene capacità di data management. E' facile da usare per utenti alle prime armi, ma allo stesso tempo offre opzioni di programmazione sofisticate per gli utenti più esperti.
Estimating Linear Regression Models With Exogenous And Endogenous Variables In Stata
This applied course offer a rigorous overview of the more advanced technical capabilities currently available in Stata for linear regression analysis. Thus providing participants with a unique hands-on opportunity to acquire the necessary theoretical and applied skills to independently apply advanced linear regression techniques in Stata.
Cats 2.O
CATS (Cointegration Analysis of Time Series) is a set of cointegration analysis procedures written by Jonathan G. Dennis, Katarina Juselius, Sören Johansen and Henrik Hansen of the University of Copenhagen for use with our RATS software.
A powerful multivariate analysis program
XVII Conferenza Italiana degli Utenti di Stata
La Conferenza Italiana degli Utenti di Stata che si terrà a Firenze, presso Villa la Stella, il 9-10 Maggio 2024 rappresenta sempre un’ottima occasione per lo scambio interdisciplinare fra gli utenti di Stata tramite le presentazione di nuovi comandi scritti dagli utenti, nonché applicazioni in economia, biostatistica, scienze sociali, psicologia e gestione dei dati.
Wordstat per Stata
WordStat for Stata was created to allow Stata users (from version 13 to 18) running under Windows, to apply text analytics techniques on any string variables stored in a Stata data file. WordStat combines natural language processing, content analysis and statistical techniques to quickly extract topics, patterns and relationships in large amount of text. It can process millions of words in seconds and compare extracted themes across any other numerical, categorical, or date variables in the Stata file.
Wordstat 2024
WordStat is a flexible and easy-to-use text analysis software – whether you need text mining tools for fast extraction of themes and trends, or careful and precise measurement with state-of-the-art quantitative content analysis tools.
What’sBest! 19.0
Applicazione (add-in) per Excel che permette di costruire modelli di ottimizzazione di grandi dimensioni in formato libero all'interno di un foglio elettronico.
Parametric and Nonparametric Production Frontier Models in Stata
Production frontier models have over the years become an indispensable tool of analysis for both scholars and practitioners interested in the measurement of performances through efficiency scores, in academia, business and government. This course provides participants with both the knowledge and requisite applied toolset for applying frontier methods to cross-section and panel data in Stata.
Microeconometrics Using Stata, Volume II: Nonlinear Models and Causal Inference Methods
Any applied economic researcher using Stata and anyone teaching or studying microeconometrics will benefit from Cameron and Trivedi's two volumes. They are an invaluable reference of the theory and intuition behind microeconometric methods using Stata. Those familiar with Cameron and Trivedi's Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications will find the same rigor. Those familiar with the previous edition of Microeconometrics Using Stata will find the same explanation of Stata commands, their interpretation, and their connection with microeconometric theory as well as an introduction to computational concepts that should be part of any researcher's toolbox.
XVI Conferenza Italiana degli Utenti di Stata
La Conferenza Italiana degli Utenti di Stata che si terrà a Firenze, presso il Centro Studi CISL , il 19-20 Maggio 2022 rappresenta sempre un’ottima occasione per lo scambio interdisciplinare fra gli utenti di Stata tramite le presentazione di nuovi comandi scritti dagli utenti, nonché applicazioni in economia, biostatistica, scienze sociali, psicologia e gestione dei dati.
Inoltre, il corso di formazione “Massimizzare il potenziale delle nuove capacità Python di Stata” che si terrà il secondo giorno del convegno offre ai partecipanti un’ottima occasione di acquisire i programming skills necessari per integrare la capacità di Python in Stata 17 attraverso una serie di esempi pratici che permettono di evidenziare quando (e di conseguenza come) si dovrebbe sfruttare la connettività tra Python e Stata per la propria ricerca.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Exploratory Factor Analysis with Stata
A Step-By-Step Guide to Exploratory Factor Analysis With Stata, by Marley W. Watkins, is a concise, approachable guide for applied researchers in the behavioral, medical, and social sciences. This book begins with an introduction to the Stata interface, commands, Do-file Editor, and resources available for help, followed by an easy-to-follow 10-step approach for conducting exploratory factor analysis in Stata.
Causal Inference: The Mixtape
Causal Inference: The Mixtape is a book for practitioners. The purpose of the book is to allow researchers to understand causal inference and work with their data to answer relevant questions in the area. It is the emphasis on the use of statistical software that sets Cunningham's book apart. In each chapter, theoretical details are clearly presented, followed by how to apply the theory to answer causal inference problems using statistical software. The examples are accompanied by readily available data and replication code.
Multivariate Garch (Volatility) Models for Risk Management
The objective of our Multivariate Garch Models for Risk Management course is to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the principal methodologies, both theoretical and applied, adopted for the analysis of risk in financial markets.
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Sixth Edition, by Badi H. Baltagi, is a standard reference for performing estimation and inference on panel datasets from an econometric standpoint. This book provides both a rigorous introduction to standard panel estimators and concise explanations of many newer, more advanced techniques.
Maximising the Potential of Stata’s new Python Capabilities
TStat’s “Maximising the Potential of Stata’s New Python Capabilities” course offers participants an excellent opportunity to acquire the introductory programming skills required to integrate Python’s capability into Stata. The course opens with an introductory session focusing on the Python programming basics required by users wishing to exploit the Stata – Python connectivity, before moving on to illustrate how to use Python in a Stata environment and the vice versa. In the closing session a series of practical applications will be discussed in order to highlight WHEN and HOW one should exploit the connectivity between Python and Stata for one’s research.
Gauss 25
Software specializzato nell’analisi statistica ed econometrica. Ideale per utenti avanzati che non trovano abbastanza flessibili altri programmi di statistica.
Modern Epidemiology
Modern Epidemiology, Fourth Edition provides a complete desk reference of the methods of modern epidemiology, with contributions from the 4 authors plus 35 leading experts from various subfields.
Statistics in Medicine
Statistics in Medicine, Fourth Edition, by Robert H. Riffenburgh and Daniel L. Gillen, is an excellent book, useful as a reference for researchers in the medical sciences and as a textbook. It focuses largely on understanding statistical concepts rather than on mathematical and theoretical underpinnings.
Bootstrapping: An Integrated Approach with Python and Stata
Bootstrapping: An Integrated Approach with Python and Stata, by Felix Bittmann, is a great resource for students and researchers who want to learn and apply bootstrap methods.
Generalized Linear Models for Bounded and Limited Quantitative Variables
Generalized Linear Models for Bounded and Limited Quantitative Variables provides a focused discussion on the theoretical and applied aspects of modeling outcomes with natural boundaries, such as proportions, and outcomes subjected to censoring or truncation.
Forecasting Energy Prices and Volatility with Stata
The modelling and forecasting of energy prices and volatility has become of utmost importance in the current turbulent times. The statistical features of energy data, which tends to follow periodic patterns and exhibit spikes, non-constant means and non-constant variances, renders the task of forecasting energy prices somewhat challenging.
The objective of TStat’s “Forecasting Energy Prices and Volatility with Stata” course is to provide participants with the specific analytical tools to undertake a rigorous and in-depth analysis of prices in international energy markets. The programme covers a wide range of econometric methods currently available to researchers and practitioners, such as: i) univariate and multivariate time series models to estimate and forecast prices and ii) univariate and multivariate GARCH models for the estimation and forecast of price volatility.
An Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers
The book is based on the assumption that the reader has some basic knowledge of statistics but no knowledge of Stata. The authors build the reader's abilities as a builder would build a house: laying a firm foundation in Stata, framing a general structure in which good work can be accomplished, adding the details that are particular to various types of statistical analyses, and, finally, trimming with a thorough treatment of graphics and special topics such as power and sample-size computations.
Dimensione del Campione e Potenza dei Test Statistici: dalla Scrittura di Protocolli alla fase di Analisi dei Dati
Up and Running in Stata
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis
This course provides a rigorous overview of existing DPD techniques, thus offering students the opportunity to acquire the more advanced technical capabilities currently available for panel data analysis.
Environmental Econometrics Using Stata
Environmental Econometrics Using Statais written for applied researchers that want to understand the basic theory of modern statistical methods and how to use them. It is also perfectly suited for teaching. Each chapter is motivated with real data and ends with a set of exercises. The book is also inherently interdisciplinary. The questions posed by environmental issues are relevant to researchers in the physical sciences, economics, sociology, political science, and public health, among other fields.
Linear Panel Data Models in Stata
This introductory course offers participants the opportunity to acquire the necessary theoretical background and the applied skills to enable them to: i) independently employ micro panel data techniques to their own research topics, and ii) to understand and evaluate micro panel data analysis published in the academic literature.
Non-Linear Panel Data Models in Stata
This course follows on from our Linear Panel Data Models in Stata course to offer the necessary theoretical background and the applied skills to enable participants to: i) independently employ non-linear micro panel data techniques to their own research topics, and ii) to understand and evaluate micro panel data analyses published in the academic literature.
Taking Your Stata Programming Skills To The Next Level: Developing And Modifying Stata Ado Files
The objective of TStat Training’s more advanced course is to provide participants with the programming commands and options required to autonomously develop and modify Stata ADO files. The opening session offers a quick overview of the fundamental concepts and commands (macros, vectors, scalers, looping, branching, temporary objects, foreach, forvalues) intrinsic to successful programming development. Session two moves on to illustrate the most effective way to develop a Stata ADO file, introducing participants to more specific programming concepts (such as arguments, local subroutines and the temporary storing of results) and Stata’s programming commands tokenize, macro shift, marksample and markout “byable” and sortpreserve. In section three participants are introduced to Stata’s inbuilt matrix capabilities, before moving on in the final session to developing their own programs for linear and maximum likelihood estimators.
In common with TStat’s course philosophy, each session is composed of both a theoretical component (in which the programming techniques are fully explained via a series of course specific developed examples), and an applied (hands-on) segment, during which participants have the opportunity to implement the techniques under the watchful eye of the course tutor.
At the end of the course, it is expected that participants will be able to independently implement both the techniques learnt and personalize the ADO program templates specifically developed during the course in order to enhance the effectiveness of their research.
Qda Miner 2024
QDA Miner is an easy-to-use qualitative data analysis software for organizing, coding, annotating, retrieving, and analyzing collections of documents and images. QDA Miner qualitative data analysis tool may be used to analyze interview or focus group transcripts, legal documents, journal articles, speeches, even entire books, as well as drawings, photographs, paintings, and other types of visual documents.
EViews 14
EViews è un software econometrico che offre a ricercatori accademici, aziende, agenzie governative e studenti l'accesso a potenti strumenti statistici, di previsione e di modellazione attraverso un'interfaccia innovativa e facile da utilizzare.
Lingo 21.0
Potente strumento sviluppato per rendere la modellizzazione e la soluzione di modelli di ottimizzazione lineare, non-lineare e intera più efficace e veloce.
Lindo API 15.0
Libreria dinamica che permette di utilizzare le potenzialità di Lindo all'interno di altre applicazioni.
Atlas.ti 24
Software per l'analisi qualitativa di dati non strutturati.
Analysing Micro Data in Stata
TStat’s introduction to micro data analysis course focuses, from both a theoretical and applied point of view, on the following methodologies: count models, binary dependent variable models, multinomial models, Tobit and Interval Regression models, models with treatment variables and Sample Selection and the Control function approach.
Automating Your Research in Stata: “A Little Bit of Programming Goes An Awfully Long Way!”
This course aims to provide participants with the fundamental Stata programming toolkit in order to facilitate, automate, replicate and personalize both data analysis, management and presentation. As such, session 1 reviews some general Stata commands, illustrating how they can be combined with some powerful Stata programming constructs for looping and branching. The course then moves on to focus on how the programming concepts of Macros, Loops, and Branching, can be implemented to effectively write, modify and develop do fi les (user written Stata programs).
Meta-Analisi in Stata
L’obiettivo del corso è di fornire le conoscenze teoriche e applicate necessarie per effettuare una rassegna sistematica della letteratura scientifica per lo studio di un’ipotesi ben definita. In particolare, il corso si sofferma sulla parte statistica del processo di rassegna sistematica, conosciuta con il nome di meta-analisi, enfatizzando l’interpretazione dei risultati piuttosto che la parte computazionale.
Machine Learning in Stata: Una Introduzione Modulo II
Il corso offre una introduzione ad alcune popolari tecniche di machine learning utilizzando il software Stata. Stata possiede oggi vari pacchetti per eseguire il machine learning che sono tuttavia poco conosciuti da molti suoi utenti. Il programma è stato sviluppato per colmare questa lacuna rendendo i partecipanti più familiari (e meglio informati) sul potenziale di Stata per trarre conoscenza e valore dai dati, possibilmente di grandi dimensioni e “rumorosi”. L’approccio all’insegnamento sarà principalmente basato sul linguaggio grafico e sull’intuizione più che sull’algebra.
Machine Learning in Stata: Una Introduzione Modulo I
Il corso offre una introduzione ad alcune popolari tecniche di machine learning utilizzando il software Stata. Stata possiede oggi vari pacchetti per eseguire il machine learning che sono tuttavia poco conosciuti da molti suoi utenti. il programma è stato sviluppato per colmare questa lacuna rendendo i partecipanti più familiari (e meglio informati) sul potenziale di Stata per trarre conoscenza e valore dai dati, possibilmente di grandi dimensioni e “rumorosi”. Più specificamente verranno trattati i seguenti temi e metodi: 1) le basi concettuali del machine learning, 2) i metodi di ricampionamento e di validazione di un modello, 3) le tecniche di feature-selection e specificazione del modello attraverso regressione regolarizzata, 4) le tecniche di feature-selection e specificazione del modello attraverso approcci esaustivi e quasi esaustivi, 5) la classificazione con analisi discriminante e con il metodo nearest-neighbor.
Migrating To Stata Painlessly!
“Migrating to Stata Painlessly!” is a reduced version of our “Up and Running in Stata” course. The course covers everything from the very basics, in order to get one up and running in Stata, through to an overview of the Stata commands available for preliminary data analysis, data management, importing and exporting data formats and the creation of graphs in Stata.
Factor Models and Risk Management Tools
The growth in financial instruments during the last decade has resulted in a significant development of econometric methods (financial econometrics) applied to financial data. The objective of our Factor Models & Risk Management Tools course is to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the principal methodologies, both theoretical and applied, adopted for risk analysis and risk management. To this end, the course focuses on the implementation of both factor models and principal components analysis for the identification of specific asset, country and global risk factors and on risk management tools/measures.
Modelling Volatility and Contagion in Finance
The growth in financial instruments during the last decade has resulted in a significant development of econometric methods (financial econometrics) applied to financial data. The objective of our Modelling Volatility and Contagion in Finance course is to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the principal methodologies, both theoretical and applied, adopted for the analysis of risk in financial markets. To this end, the course focuses on the modelling and forecasting of financial time series of asset returns; the modelling of cross market correlations, volatility spillovers and contagion in financial asset markets. During the course, a number of alternative GARCH models and models of conditional correlations will be reviewed.
Time Series Modelling and Forecasting using Stata
Time Series data is today available for a wide range of several phenomena in Business, Finance, Economics, Public Health, the Political and Social Sciences. The aim of TStat Training’s Times Series Modelling and Forecasting Course is therefore, to provide researchers and professionals with the standard tool kit required for the analysis of time series data in Stata. As such the program has been developed to offer an overview of the most commonly used methods for analysing, modelling and forecasting the dynamic behaviour of time series data, offering practical examples of empirical modelling using real-world data. The course begins with an introduction to Stata’s basic time series commands, before moving onto the analysis of time series features and to univariate time series models. Sessions 3 and 4 instead focus on the estimation of both multivariate time series models with stationary and nonstationary data and univariate models of volatility.
In common with TStat’s training philosophy, throughout the course theory and methods are illustrated in an intuitive way and are complemented by practical exercises undertaken in Stata, during which the course tutor discusses and highlights potential pitfalls and the advantages of individual techniques. Particular attention is also given to both the interpretation and presentation of empirical results. In this manner, the course leader is able to bridge the “often difficult” gap between theory and practice of time series modelling and forecasting.
Upon completion, it is expected that participants are able to autonomously implement the statistical methods discussed during the course to their own data, customizing when necessary, the Stata do-file routines specifically developed for the course.
Network Meta-Analisi in Stata
L’obiettivo del corso è fornire le conoscenze teoriche e applicate necessarie per effettuare una rassegna sistematica della letteratura scientifica attraverso una network meta-analisi, ovvero una nuova e potente analisi che consente di combinare sia l’evidenza diretta sia quella indiretta, relativa a studi che confrontano insiemi diversi di trattamenti. Il corso si concentrerà in particolare sui comandi (user written) disponibili in Stata per svolgere una network meta-analisi.
Regressione Lineare e Logistica in Ambito Sanitario con Stata
Il corso “Regressione Lineare e Logistica in Ambito Sanitario in Stata” offre ai partecipanti una panoramica delle tecniche di regressione lineare e logistica implementate in ambito sanitario. Durante le sessioni verranno illustrati, attraverso una serie di esempi applicati: i) i modelli di regressione adottati per esaminare le relazioni tra più variabili continue e dicotomiche; ii) i metodi disponibili per testare e correggere problemi comuni; e iii) l’identificazione degli outliers e delle osservazioni influenti.
Stat/Transfer 17
Stat/Transfer has provided fast, reliable, and convenient data transfer between popular software packages for thousands of users, worldwide.
Stat/Transfer knows about statistical data - it handles missing data, value and variable labels and all of the other details that are necessary to move as much information as is possible from one file format to another.
Illustrating Stata provides participants with the necessary introductory toolset to enable them to carry out efficient data analysis and data management in Stata in a reproducible manner.
Psychological Statistics and Psychometrics Using Stata
Psychological Statistics and Psychometrics Using Stata by Scott Baldwin is a complete and concise resource for students and researchers in the behavioral sciences.
Baldwin's primary goal in this book is to help readers become competent users of statistics. To that end, he first introduces basic statistical methods such as regression, t tests, and ANOVA.
Rats 10.0
Programma per l'analisi econometrica di serie temporali. Caratterizzato da eccellenti grafici e dalla disponibilità di molte routine ad-hoc, tra cui ARCH, GARCH e Cointegrazione.
XV Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il XVI Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata si terrà il 26-27 Settembre a Firenze. Il Convegno rappresenta sempre un’ottima occasione per lo scambio interdisciplinare fra gli utenti di Stata tramite le presentazione di nuovi comandi scritti dagli utenti, nonché applicazioni in economia, biostatistica, scienze sociali, psicologia e gestione dei dati. Inoltre, il corso di formazione che si terrà tradizionalmente nella seconda giornata del Convegno continua ad offrire ai partecipanti la possibilità di aggiornarsi su nuove metodologie di recente sviluppo nel proprio campo.
La seconda giornata sarà dedicata al corso di formazione “An Introduction to Machine Learning in Stata” tenuto da Achim Ahrens - Public Policy Group, ETH Zürich.
Analisi dei Tempi di Sopravvivenza in Presenza di Rischi Competitivi
L’analisi della sopravvivenza in campo biostatistico ed epidemiologico spesso tratta degli end-point di tipo compositivo costituti dall’unione di due o più eventi spesso di natura diversa e con conseguenze diverse per il paziente.
Regressione Quantile in Stata
Misurare Le Performance di Test Diagnostici e Modelli Predittivi
Il corso si propone di fornire una rassegna degli strumenti utilizzati per la valutazione dei test diagnostici e per la valutazione della capacità predittiva di modelli per la predizione del rischio.
Valutazione Controfattuale delle Politiche in Stata
L’obiettivo del Workshop è di fornire ai partecipanti strumenti avanzati - teorici ed applicati - per il corretto utilizzo delle moderne tecniche micro- econometriche di valutazione controfattuale dell’effetto di un intervento di policy su una o più variabili-obiettivo in Stata.
Introduzione a Stata
Il corso fornisce gli strumenti necessari per permettere ai partecipanti di eseguire la gestione e l’analisi dei dati autonomamente in Stata in un modo efficace e riproducibile. Offre una panoramica completa delle funzioni di base introduttive ai comandi disponibili per l’analisi descrittiva e la gestione dei dati, l’importazione e l’esportazione dei dati in altri formati e la produzione di grafici.
Mata – Il Linguaggio di Programmazione Matriciale di Stata
Mata è il linguaggio di programmazione matriciale relativamente a “basso livello” di Stata, molto simile nella sintassi a R o Matlab, ideale per portare a termine lavori che Stata in se non riesce a svolgere in modo ottimale. Una delle difficoltà incontrate finora nell’apprendimento di Mata, è la mancanza di materiale applicato. Nonostante il fatto che il “Mata Reference Manual” sia molto dettagliato, fornisce in realtà poche indicazioni su come rendere il linguaggio operativo. Questo workshop pertanto, offre ai partecipanti l’opportunità di acquisire gli strumenti necessari per usare Mata autonomamente durante la propria ricerca. Le sessioni iniziali introducono i concetti generali per quanto riguarda l’uso di Mata, la sintassi e i comandi generali. Successivamente si illustrano concetti più avanzati come l’utilizzo delle funzioni, dei puntatori (pointers), delle strutture (structures) nonchè l’uso di Mata nella programmazione dei file do e ado.
Introduction to Sequence Analysis using Stata
The workshop offers participants an introduction to sequence analysis using the user written sequence analysis package of commands developed for Stata. Sequence analysis, which has its roots in biomedical research, has of recent become increasing used in social sciences to study a wide variety of ordered social phenomena, such as; life course development, career development and labour market or employment histories. Researchers studying social networks, implement sequence analysis to model whole networks evolve over time. Social network epidemiologists use sequence analysis to model social contact in order to increase their understanding of how a disease spreads.
Introduction to Partial Least Squares / Structural Equation Modelling (PLSSEM) using Stata
PLS-SEM, also referred to as partial least squares path modelling, is a type of SEM, which is being increasing used in social sciences, psychology, business administration and marketing. In a nutshell, PLS-SEM can be viewed as a component-based SEM alternative to the covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) which can be described as a factor-based SEM technique. As such, the PLS-SEM approach provides researchers with a multivariate statistical technique that can readily be used to estimate exploratory or/and complex SEM models. Although there are several stand-alone specialized PLS-SEM or PLS-PM software packages available, this course introduces participants to the PLS-SEM methodology, through the user-written Stata-package, plspm, developed by the course instructors themselves.
Introduzione alla Modellazione Causale in Stata
Il Workshop fornirà ai partecipanti gli strumenti essenziali, sia teorici sia applicati, per un corretto utilizzo del modello di stima a variabili strumentali (IV) e dei modelli ad equazioni strutturali (SEM) per la modellazione statistica causale in Stata. Sebbene IV e SEM vengano spesso trattati separatamente nei corsi standard, essi sono effettivamente strettamente legati, con l’approccio IV più concentrato sulla stima di una forma ridotta, e quello SEM su di una stima strutturale multi-equazionale.
The Mata Book: A Book for Serious Programmers and Those Who Want to Be
The Mata Book: A Book for Serious Programmers and Those Who Want to Be is the book that Stata programmers have been waiting for. Mata is a serious programming language for developing small- and large-scale projects and for adding features to Stata. What makes Mata serious is that it provides structures, classes, and pointers along with matrix capabilities.
XIV Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il XV Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata si terrà a Bologna il 15-16 Novembre 2018. Il Convegno rappresenta un’occasione unica di scambio interdisciplinare fra gli utenti di Stata. Nelle edizioni precedenti, sono stati presentati una varietà di nuovi comandi scritti dagli utenti, nonché disparate applicazioni in economia, biostatistica, scienze sociali, psicologia e gestione dei dati. La sessione “invited speaker” e il corso di formazione tenuto nella seconda giornata del Convegno hanno costantemente offerto ai partecipanti l’occasione di aggiornarsi su nuove metodologie di recente sviluppo.
La seconda giornata sarà dedicata al corso di formazione "Joint Modelling of Survival and Longitudinal Data" tenuto da Michael J. Crowther, Department of Health Sciences - University of Leicester.
A Course in Item Response Theory and Modeling with Stata
A Course in Item Response Theory and Modeling with Stata, by Tenko Raykov and George A. Marcoulides, is a comprehensive introduction to the concepts of item response theory (IRT) that includes numerous examples using Stata's powerful suite of IRT commands. The authors' unique development of IRT builds on the foundations of classical test theory, nonlinear factor analysis, and generalized linear models. The examples demonstrate how to fit many kinds of IRT models, including one-, two-, and three-parameter logistic models for binary items as well as nominal, ordinal, and hybrid models for polytomous items.
Survey Weights: A Step-by-Step Guide to Calculation
Survey Weights: A Step-by-Step Guide to Calculation, by Richard Valliant and Jill Dever, is an excellent reference for survey data analysts and researchers. This book details the reasons for weighting and shows how to perform different weight-adjustment methods in Stata.
Health Econometrics Using Stata
Health Econometrics Using Stata by Partha Deb, Edward C. Norton, and Willard G. Manning provides an excellent overview of the methods used to analyze data on healthcare expenditure and use. Aimed at researchers, graduate students, and practitioners, this book introduces readers to widely used methods, shows them how to perform these methods in Stata, and illustrates how to interpret the results. Each method is discussed in the context of an example using an extract from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.
I famosi professori Norman e Streiner sono tornati! A 15 anni di distanza dalla prima edizione, ecco finalmente una versione completamente aggiornata e rinnovata di Biostatistica, tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere…, uno dei più divertenti e completi testi di Statistica per le Scienze biomediche in circolazione. Questa seconda edizione italiana, derivata dalla quarta in lingua inglese, non solo risponde alle comuni domande degli studenti dei Corsi di Laurea, Laurea magistrale, Specializzazione e Dottorato di ricerca di area medica e biomedica, ma vuole venire incontro anche ai bisogni e alle fantasie più recondite (e inconfessate) di ricercatori e aspiranti tali, rendendo accessibili numerose tecniche statistiche, oggi essenziali per chiunque intenda leggere o pubblicare un articolo scientifico.
XIII Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il XIV Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata si terrà a Firenze il 16-17 Novembre 2017. Ogni anno il Convegno rappresenta un importante punto di riferimento fra gli utenti di Stata e un’occasione unica di scambio interdisciplinare. Sono infatti graditi sia contributi metodologici, sia analisi applicate in diversi campi di ricerca.
Il secondo giorno del Convegno sarà dedicato alla formazione con il corso Using Simulation Studies to Evaluate Statistical Methods.
Essentials of a Successful Biostatistical Collaboration
Essentials of a Successful Biostatistical Collaboration by Arul Earnest is a unique approach to a biostatistics text in that the focus is not purely on study design and statistical analyses. While these topics are certainly discussed, equal attention is given to topics such as planning, project management, and effective communication that are important for any biostatistician who is collaborating with a research team.
Financial Econometrics Using Stata
Financial Econometrics Using Stata by Simona Boffelli and Giovanni Urga provides an excellent introduction to time-series analysis and how to do it in Stata for financial economists. Aimed at researchers, graduate students, and industry practitioners, this book introduces readers to widely used methods, shows them how to perform these methods in Stata, and illustrates how to interpret the results.
Introduction to Sequence Analysis using Stata
The workshop offers participants an introduction to sequence analysis using the user written sequence analysis package of commands developed for Stata. Sequence analysis, which has its roots in biomedical research, has of recent become increasing used in social sciences to study a wide variety of ordered social phenomena, such as; life course development, career development and labour market or employment histories. Researchers studying social networks, implement sequence analysis to model whole networks evolve over time. Social network epidemiologists use sequence analysis to model social contact in order to increase their understanding of how a disease spreads.
Econometric Evaluation of Socio-Economic Programs | Theory and Applications
Econometric Evaluation of Socio-Economic Programs by Giovanni Cerulli provides an excellent introduction to estimating average treatment effects from observational data. This book provides thorough introductions to the models and estimators implemented in teffects, etregress, and etpoisson and provides many examples using these commands and some similar commands written by the author.
Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata Volume II: Categorical Responses, Counts, and Survival
Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Fourth Edition, by Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal, is a complete resource for learning to model data in which observations are grouped—whether those groups are formed by a nesting structure, such as children nested in classrooms, or formed by repeated observations on the same individuals. This text introduces random-effects models, fixed-effects models, mixed-effects models, marginal models, dynamic models, and growth-curve models, all of which account for the grouped nature of these types of data. As Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal introduce each model, they explain when the model is useful, its assumptions, how to fit and evaluate the model using Stata, and how to interpret the results. With this comprehensive coverage, researchers who need to apply multilevel models will find this book to be the perfect companion. It is also the ideal text for courses in multilevel modeling because it provides examples from a variety of disciplines as well as end-of-chapter exercises that allow students to practice newly learned material.
Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata Volume I: Continuous Responses
Volume I begins with a review of linear regression and then builds on this review to introduce two-level models, the simplest extensions of linear regression to models for multilevel and longitudinal/panel data. Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal introduce the random-intercept model without covariates, developing the model from principles and thereby familiarizing the reader with terminology, summarizing and relating the widely used estimating strategies, and providing historical perspective. Once the authors have established the foundation, they smoothly generalize to random-intercept models with covariates and then to a discussion of the various estimators (between, within, and random effects). The authors also discuss models with random coefficients. The text then turns to models specifically designed for longitudinal and panel data—dynamic models, marginal models, and growth-curve models. The last portion of volume I covers models with more than two levels and models with crossed random effects.
Stata for the Behavioral Sciences
Stata for the Behavioral Sciences, by Michael Mitchell, is the ideal reference for researchers using Stata to fit ANOVA models and other models commonly applied to behavioral science data. Drawing on his education in psychology and his experience in consulting, Mitchell uses terminology and examples familiar to the reader as he demonstrates how to fit a variety of models, how to interpret results, how to understand simple and interaction effects, and how to explore results graphically.
Qualitative Data Analysis using QDA Miner and WordStat for Stata
Today researchers across a wide variety of fields find themselves having to analyze an increasing amount of qualitative information. The objective of this workshop therefore, is to offer participants an introduction to the requisite tools required for the successful planning, conducting and reporting of qualitative data analysis. To this end, an overview of the following approaches: quantitative analysis, quantitative content analysis and text mining, to text analysis is provided. The opening sessions focus on the fundamental role of data preparation to the analysis, before moving on to identifying themes and correlations using both text mining and content analysis. The final session addresses the more advanced topics of importing and exporting data, together with document classification. In common with TStat’s training philosophy, the workshop takes a hands-on approach to quantitative data analysis. Implementation of the methodologies discussed being illustrated using the scientific software QDA Miner, WordStat and WordStat for Stata.
Dimensione del Campione e Potenza dei Test Statistici: dalla Scrittura di Protocolli alla fase di Analisi dei Dati
Il corso affronta questi aspetti fornendo la strumentazione teorica e applicata del calcolo della dimensione del campione e della potenza nei principali metodi parametrici e non parametrici di verifica di ipotesi applicati ai principali disegni di studio con variabili di risposta: continue binarie, categoriali, di sopravvivenza . Parallelamente, si vedranno esempi di contributi di scrittura a protocolli sfruttando le potenzialità grafiche che il software Stata possiede a differenza di altri software.
XII Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno rappresenta un importante punto di riferimento fra gli utenti di Stata e un’occasione unica di scambio interdisciplinare. Sono infatti graditi sia contributi metodologici, sia analisi applicate in diversi campi di ricerca.
XI Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata si terrà a Milano il 13 Novembre 2014. Ogni anno il Convegno rappresenta un importante punto di riferimento fra gli utenti di Stata e un’occasione unica di scambio interdisciplinare. Sono infatti graditi sia contributi metodologici, sia analisi applicate in diversi campi di ricerca.
X Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata si terrà a Firenze il 14 Novembre 2013. Giunto alla sua decima edizione il Convegno rappresenta oggi un importante punto di riferimento fra gli utenti di Stata e un’occasione unica di scambio interdisciplinare.
IX Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
La nona edizione del Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata si terrà a Bologna il 20 Settembre 2012. Il convegno sarà articolato in 5 diverse sessioni e la giornata successiva, il 21 settembre, sarà dedicata come di consueto, alla formazione.
VIII Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno che si terrà il 17 novembre sarà articolato in quattro sessioni, la prima delle quali dedicata ad un “invited speaker”. Nella giornata successiva, il 18 novembre, si terranno due corsi di formazione, uno in inglese e uno in italiano. Entrambi, offrono ai partecipanti la possibilità di aggiornarsi sui recenti campi di ricerca e nuove potenzialità del software Stata.
VII Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno rappresenta un’occasione unica per incontrare ricercatori appartenenti a diverse aree disciplinari e scambiare informazioni e routine sviluppate per Stata.
VI Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno ha un taglio interdisciplinare e rappresenta un’occasione di mutua interazione fra gli utenti di Stata, volta a favorire lo scambio di informazioni ed esperienze di lavoro. Come negli anni precedenti, l’enfasi delle presentazioni è su nuove applicazioni in vari campi di ricerca, nuovi comandi, procedure e qualunque altro tipo di sviluppo basato su Stata.
V Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno ha un taglio interdisciplinare e rappresenta un’occasione di mutua interazione fra gli utenti di Stata, volta a favorire lo scambio di informazioni ed esperienze di lavoro. L’enfasi delle presentazioni è su nuove applicazioni in vari campi di ricerca, nuovi comandi, procedure e qualunque altro tipo di sviluppo basato su Stata.
IV Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno ha un taglio metodologico e interdisciplinare e rappresenta un’occasione di mutua interazione fra gli utenti di Stata, volta a favorire lo scambio di informazioni ed esperienze di lavoro. L’enfasi delle presentazioni è su nuove applicazioni in vari campi di ricerca, nuovi comandi, procedure e qualunque altro tipo di sviluppo basato su Stata.
III Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno rappresenta un’occasione di mutua interazione fra gli utenti italiani di Stata per conoscersi e scambiare esperienze, programmi e nuovi comandi di Stata. E’ aperto a tutti gli utenti di Stata che avranno la possibilità di presentare nuove applicazioni in vari campi di ricerca, nuovi comandi, procedure e qualunque altro tipo di sviluppo basato su Stata.
II Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno rappresenta un’occasione di mutua interazione fra gli utenti italiani di Stata per conoscersi e scambiare esperienze, programmi e nuovi comandi di Stata. E’ aperto a tutti gli utenti di Stata che avranno la possibilità di presentare nuove applicazioni in vari campi di ricerca, nuovi comandi, procedure e qualunque altro tipo di sviluppo basato su Stata.
I Convegno Italiano degli Utenti di Stata
Il Convegno rappresenta un importante punto di riferimento fra gli utenti di Stata e un’occasione unica di scambio interdisciplinare. Saranno presentati una varietà di nuovi comandi scritti dagli utenti, nonché disparate applicazioni in economia, biostatistica, scienze sociali, psicologia e gestione dei dati. La sessione “invited speaker” ed il corso di formazione tenuto nella seconda giornata del Convegno offrono ai partecipanti l’occasione di aggiornarsi su nuove metodologie di recente sviluppo.
Speaking Stata Graphics
Speaking Stata Graphics is ideal for researchers who want to produce effective, publication-quality graphs. A compilation of articles from the popular “Speaking Stata” column by Nicholas J. Cox, this book provides valuable insights about Stata's built-in and user-written statistical-graphics commands.
An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata
An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata, Revised Third Edition is the ideal tutorial for professional data analysts who want to learn survival analysis for the first time or who are well versed in survival analysis but are not as dexterous in using Stata to analyze survival data. This text also serves as a valuable reference to those readers who already have experience using Stata’s survival analysis routines.
Introduction to Time Series Using Stata
Introduction to Time Series Using Stata, Revised Edition, by Sean Becketti, is a practical guide to working with time-series data using Stata. In this book, Becketti introduces time-series techniques—from simple to complex—and explains how to implement them using Stata. The many worked examples, concise explanations that focus on intuition, and useful tips based on the author’s experience make the book insightful for students, academic researchers, and practitioners in industry and government.
Preface to the Revised Edition
Applied Econometrics for Health Economists
Applied Econometrics for Health Economists: A Practical Guide, Second Edition, by Andrew Jones intuitively discusses the major methods used in applied health economics. In each discussion, Jones uses Stata to analyze real data and interprets the results.
Negative Binomial Regression
Negative Binomial Regression, Second Edition, by Joseph M. Hilbe, reviews the negative binomial model and its variations. Negative binomial regression—a recently popular alternative to Poisson regression—is used to account for overdispersion, which is often encountered in many real-world applications with count responses.
Logistic Regression Models
Logistic Regression Models, by Joseph Hilbe, arose from Hilbe’s course in logistic regression at statistics.com. The book includes many Stata examples using both official and user-written commands and includes Stata output and graphs.
A Stata Companion to Political Analysis
The book surveys the statistical methods that professional political scientists use; its treatment of research methods deftly incorporates data management, graphical analysis, and statistics in the political science domain. In this edition, the authors use Stata's factor variable notation, which simplifies working with categorical variables and interactions.
Statistical Modeling for Biomedical Researchers: A Simple Introduction to the Analysis of Complex Data
William Dupont’s Statistical Modeling for Biomedical Researchers, Second Edition is ideal for a one-semester graduate course in biostatistics and epidemiology. Dupont assumes only a basic knowledge of statistics, such as that obtained from a standard introductory statistics course. Stata is used extensively throughout the text, making it possible to introduce computationally complex methods with little or no higher-level mathematics.
Event History Analysis with Stata
Event History Analysis with Stata, by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Katrin Golsch, and Götz Rohwer, presents survival analysis from a social science perspective. Introducing the mathematics and statistics of survival analysis, along with substantive discussions of social science data issues, the authors give examples throughout using Stata (version 15) and data from the German Life History Study.
Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics
This book is a supplement to Principles of Econometrics, 5th Edition by R. Carter Hill, William E. Griffiths and Guay C. Lim (Wiley, 2018), hereinafter POE5. This book is not a substitute for the textbook, nor is it a standalone computer manual. It is a companion to the textbook, showing how to perform the examples in the textbook using Stata Release 15. This book will be useful to students taking econometrics, as well as their instructors, and others who wish to use Stata for econometric analysis.
A Gentle Introduction to Stata
Alan C. Acock's A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Revised Sixth Edition is aimed at new Stata users who want to become proficient in Stata. After reading this introductory text, new users will be able to not only use Stata well but also learn new aspects of Stata.
Interpreting and Visualizing Regression Models Using Stata
Michael Mitchell’s Interpreting and Visualizing Regression Models Using Stata, Second Edition is a clear treatment of how to carefully present results from model-fitting in a wide variety of settings. It is a boon to anyone who has to present the tangible meaning of a complex model in a clear fashion, regardless of the audience.
The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata
The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata, by J. Scott Long, is an essential productivity tool for data analysts. Aimed at anyone who analyzes data, this book presents an effective strategy for designing and doing data-analytic projects.
In this book, Long presents lessons gained from his experience with numerous academic publications, as a coauthor of the immensely popular Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, and as a coauthor of the SPOST routines, which are downloaded over 20,000 times a year.
Data Management Using Stata: A Practical Handbook
The book is modular in structure, with modules based on data management tasks rather than on clusters of commands. This format is helpful because it allows readers to find just what they need to solve a problem at hand. To complement this format, the book is in a style that will teach even sporadic readers good habits in data management, even if the reader chooses to read chapters out of order.
Meta-Analysis in Stata: An Updated Collection from the Stata Journal
Meta-analysis allows researchers to combine results of several studies into a unified analysis that provides an overall estimate of the effect of interest and to quantify the uncertainty of that estimate. Stata has some of the best statistical tools available for doing meta-analysis. The unusual thing about these tools is that none of them are part of official Stata. They are all created by and documented by experts in the broader research community who also happen to be proficient Stata developers.
Microeconometrics Using Stata, Volume I: Cross-Sectional and Panel Regression Methods
Any applied economic researcher using Stata and anyone teaching or studying microeconometrics will benefit from Cameron and Trivedi's two volumes. They are an invaluable reference of the theory and intuition behind microeconometric methods using Stata. Those familiar with Cameron and Trivedi's Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications will find the same rigor. Those familiar with the previous edition of Microeconometrics Using Stata will find the same explanation of Stata commands, their interpretation, and their connection with microeconometric theory as well as an introduction to computational concepts that should be part of any researcher's toolbox.
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics using Stata
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata, by Christopher F. Baum, successfully bridges the gap between learning econometrics and learning how to use Stata. The book presents a contemporary approach to econometrics, emphasizing the role of method-of-moments estimators, hypothesis testing, and specification analysis while providing practical examples showing how the theory is applied to real datasets by using Stata.
An Introduction to Stata Programming
This new edition reflects some of the most important statistical tools added since Stata 10. Of note are factor variables and operators, the computation of marginal effects, marginal means, and predictive margins using margins, the use of gmm to implement generalized method of moments estimation, and the use of suest for seemingly unrelated estimation.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata
Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata, Fifth Edition is the essential reference and guide for researchers in all disciplines who wish to write maximum likelihood (ML) estimators in Stata. Beyond providing comprehensive coverage of Stata's command for writing ML estimators, the book presents an overview of the underpinnings of maximum likelihood and how to think about ML estimation.
Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables using Stata
Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, Third Edition, by J. Scott Long and Jeremy Freese, is an essential reference for those who use Stata to fit and interpret regression models for categorical data. Although regression models for categorical dependent variables are common, few texts explain how to interpret such models; this text decisively fills the void.
Data Analysis using Stata
Data Analysis Using Stata, Third Edition has been completely revamped to reflect the capabilities of Stata 12. This book will appeal to those just learning statistics and Stata, as well as to the many users who are switching to Stata from other packages. Throughout the book, Kohler and Kreuter show examples using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, a large survey of households containing demographic, income, employment, and other key information.
A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics
Michael Mitchell’s A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics, Fourth Edition provides an essential introduction and reference for Stata graphics. The fourth edition retains the features that made the first three editions so useful:
- A complete guide to Stata’s graph command
- Exhaustive examples of customized graphs
- Visual indexing of features—just look for a picture that matches what you want to do
Generalized Linear Models and Extensions
This text thoroughly covers GLMs, both theoretically and computationally, with an emphasis on Stata. The theory consists of showing how the various GLMs are special cases of the exponential family, showing general properties of this family of distributions, and showing the derivation of maximum likelihood (ML) estimators and standard errors. Hardin and Hilbe show how iteratively reweighted least squares, another method of parameter estimation, is a consequence of ML estimation using Fisher scoring. The authors also discuss different methods of estimating standard errors, including robust methods, robust methods with clustering, Newey–West, outer product of the gradient, bootstrap, and jackknife. The thorough coverage of model diagnostics includes measures of influence such as Cook’s distance, several forms of residuals, the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria, and various R2-type measures of explained variability.
What's new in this edition:
- New chapter on multivariate models
- New chapter on Bayesian analysis
- Generalized negative binomial models of Waring and Famoye
- Bias-corrected GLMs
- More examples of creating synthetic data for various binomial and count models
This book is of particular interest for:
- Applied researchers who analyze binary, count, and categorical data
- Instructors who teach GLM courses
- Researchers familiar with generalized linear models but who are new to Stata
- Stata users looking for a theoretical reference for generalized linear models
Flexible Parametric Survival Analysis Using Stata: Beyond the Cox Model
This text is concerned with obtaining a compromise between Cox and parametric models that retains the desired features of both types of models. The book is aimed at researchers who are familiar with the basic concepts of survival analysis and with the stcox and streg commands in Stata.
Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata
Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata, by Alan Acock, successfully introduces both the statistical principles involved in structural equation modeling (SEM) and the use of Stata to fit these models. The book uses an application-based approach to teaching SEM.
Aplicaciones en Economía y Ciencias Sociales con Stata
Aplicaciones en Economía y Ciencias Sociales con Stata es la primera publicación en español de Stata Press. El contenido ha sido el resultado de un trabajo que reúne a diversos autores en diferentes áreas de conocimiento y que muestran el uso de una variedad de herramientas de análisis disponibles en Stata.
Thirty years with Stata: A Retrospective
The view from the inside opens with an essay by Bill Gould, Stata's president and cofounder, that discusses the challenges and concepts that guided the design and implementation of Stata.
Bayesian Analysis with Stata
The book is careful to introduce concepts and coding tools incrementally so that there are no steep patches or discontinuities in the learning curve. The content helps the user see exactly what computations are done for simple standard models and shows the user how those computations are implemented. Understanding these concepts is important for users because Bayesian analysis lends itself to custom or very complex models, and users must be able to code these themselves.
Word 2 tex 5.0
Permette a Microsoft Word di salvare documenti nel formato Tex.
Tex2Word 4.1
Permette di aprire file Tex in Microsoft Word.
Pctex 6
Sitema di Word Processing integrato.
Il software HLM può essere utilizzato per stimare modelli di dati con struttura gerarchica a vari livelli – per esempio dati in cui sono rilevanti sia le caratteristiche degli individui, sia quelle di vari gruppi in cui gli individui possono essere classificati.
ProSuite è una raccolta di strumenti integrati di analisi del testo di Provalis Research.
Simstat 2.6
Simstat goes beyond mere statistical analysis. It offers output management features not found in any other program, as well as its own scripting language to automate statistical analysis and to write small applications, interactive tutorials with multimedia capabilities, as well as computer assisted interviewing systems.
Surfer is a full-function 3D visualization, contouring and surface modeling package that runs under Microsoft Windows. Surfer is used extensively for terrain modeling, bathymetric modeling, landscape visualization, surface analysis,contour mapping, watershed and 3D surface mapping, gridding, volumetrics, and much more.
SpaceStat 4
Standard internazionale per la modellazione econometrica spaziale e la statistica spaziale.
Lisrel 12
Software originalmente sviluppato per la stima di modelli di equazioni strutturali (SEM). Oggi comprende molte altre applicazioni statistiche.
Applicazione (add-in) che fornisce all'utente di Microsoft Excel o Lotus 1-2-3, la possibilità di effettuare analisi dei rischi e simulazioni.
Software per la ricerca di interazioni e trasformazioni ottime tra le varibili all'interno di banche dati di dimensioni molto ampie. Basato su un approccio al data mining di nuova generazione, permette di comprendere la struttura complessa nascosta all'interno delle banche dati.
Software che utilizza metodi avanzati per la determinazione della significatività statistica di un cluster, della sua collocazione geografica, e del momento in cui si è manifestato. Permette di comprendere le origini, le cause, e le correlazioni tra malattie.
Software per la rilevazione, la descrizione e l'analisi di confini geografici. Rileva i pattern nei dati e li sottopone a test di significatività statistica.
Consulenza STATA
Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software Consulenza STATA e altri software
Introduction to a Bayesian analysis in Stata
Analisi Visiva dei Dati Spaziali: Creare le Mappe in Stata
L’obiettivo del corso è offrire un’introduzione all’analisi visiva dei dati spaziali mediante il software Stata. Il corso si articola in tre parti. La prima è dedicata alla presentazione delle caratteristiche peculiari dei dati spaziali. La seconda parte focalizza l’attenzione sul concetto di prossimità spaziale e sulla centralità di tale concetto nell’analisi dei dati spaziali. Infine, la terza parte illustra le principali tecniche di analisi visiva dei dati spaziali.
Financial Time Series Analysis with Stata
Analisi dei Rischi Competitivi in Stata
L’analisi dei dati in presenza di rischi competitivi include sia strumenti di analisi dedicati, che ad esempio vanno oltre dell’approccio basato sulla funzione azzardo attraverso il concetto di restricted mean model, che chiarisce sotto quali assunti si possano utilizzare gli strumenti standard e a quali domande di ricerca rispondano.
Analisi della Sopravvivenza con Stata: un Case Study
Il corso L’Analisi della Sopravvivenza - Un Case Study si focalizza sui diversi aspetti legati alla realizzazione di un’analisi della sopravvivenza utilizzati spesso in campo medico: dalla progettazione dello studio, alla descrizione dei dati di sopravvivenza, al confronto delle esperienze di vita con test non parametrici e tramite i modelli utilizzati per valutare i dati di sopravvivenza (time-to-event data). L’obiettivo del corso è di illustrare attraverso un caso studio, gli aspetti pratici che devono essere affrontati durante lo svolgimento di uno studio di sopravvivenza, inclusi la validazione del modello, l’uso di variabili tempo-dipendenti e il trattamento di frailties e rischi competitivi.
Regressione Quantile in Stata
Introduzione alla Statistica Bayesiana
Analisi dei Tempi di Sopravvivenza in Presenza di Rischi Competitivi
L’analisi della sopravvivenza in campo biostatistico ed epidemiologico spesso tratta degli end-point di tipo compositivo costituti dall’unione di due o più eventi spesso di natura diversa e con conseguenze diverse per il paziente.
Analisi Epidemiologiche in Stata
Il corso si propone di fornire gli elementi di conoscenza delle principali misure epidemiologiche di associazione tra malattie e fattori di rischio mostrando come l’utilizzo di Stata possa essere utile per studi caso-controllo e di coorte.
Aperte iscrizioni corso Modelli di Regressione Logistica
Probabilité et Statistique pour les Sciences de la Santé: Apprentissage au Moyen du Logiciel Stata
Cet ouvrage (en français) non seulement présente, de façon rigoureuse, les concepts et méthodes statistiques, mais aussi utilise des exemples concrets pour illustrer chaque concept théorique nouvellement introduit.
Software per data mining, che combina un'interfaccia utente facile da usare a potenzialità avanzate per scoprire automaticamente relazioni nascoste all'interno di banche dati complesse e migliorare l'accuratezza delle previsioni.