What’sBest! comes with all of the tools you need to get started quickly and easily.


This 250+ page manual provides complete information on all aspects of utilizing What’sBest! to solve your optimization problems. The manual includes a full tutorial that walks you through building and solving your first model to analyzing the solution. The What’sBest!User’s Manual describes all of the commands and features of What’sBest!. Also included is an extensive Sample Models section that illustrates how to use What’sBest! to solve a wide variety of optimization applications.


© 2024 LINDO Systems, Inc.


What’sBest’s extensive Help system lets you conveniently access information on the fly. Not only are the entire contents of the What’sBest! User’s Manual available at the click of your mouse, but the Help file also contains up-to-date information on any enhancements added since the documentation went to press.