Data Desk 7 Academic
Data Desk is used in colleges and universities around the world for
both teaching and research. Since 1986 Data Desk has pioneered
innovative data exploration tools. Data Desk 7 continues this tradition
with unmatched speed, the muscle to handle millions of cases, and
consistent, interactive plots and analyses that speed your data
exploration. You'll learn more about your data, see patterns more
clearly, and zip through your analyses faster than ever before.
If you are a faculty or staff member of a university or school, you are
eligible for academic pricing on Data Desk 7. (The school must be an
accredited, degree-granting institution, and your status must be able
to be verified by the institution.)
Qualifying faculty or staff can purchase a full professional copy of
Data Desk 7 at a special education discount. These copies include the
same software, manuals and technical support rights as professional
copies. Only the price is different.
System Requirements:
- Data Desk 7 Academic for MAC runs on Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 and 10.10.
- Data Desk 7 Academic for WINDOWS runs on Win7, Win8.
©2015, Data Description, Inc.